The ice cream shop business is a booming economy, and it is expected to continuously grow in the coming years. Its popularity started when refrigeration was introduced. From then on, ice cream became a popular food product and even a household name around the world. Despite its popularity, it’s still a risk to venture into a business you’re not familiar with. So if you’re wondering who the main target markets for your ice cream shop business are, read on to find out.
Four main target markets for your ice cream shop business are kids and/or families with children, the teenage population, adults, and seniors.
In targeting your potential market, you need to know the core consumers of your business and how they could positively impact your sales.
Kids and/or Families with Children

Kids are indisputably the top consumer of ice cream. Children are naturally attracted to sweet, cold, and colorful treats. Ice cream also comes in a myriad of sumptuous flavors. No matter how picky you or your child is, there’s a perfect ice cream flavor for you.
Statistics show that children rank as the second biggest ice cream consumer among the different age groups. Additionally, children dominate 20% of the total ice cream share and 22% prefer artisan ice cream.
In a separate study, data shows that kids 4-10 years old eat at least 13 grams of ice cream per day, and the younger age bracket, 1.5-3 years old, consumes a minimum of 7 grams each day. Furthermore, experts reported that children between the ages of 2-12 consume most ice cream. This data speaks volumes and will help you identify your target market.
Market research also indicates that a minimum of 34% of households with kids consume at least four quarts of ice cream per month. Additionally, households without kids eat 20% less ice cream compared to those with children.
10 Things To Sell In Your Ice Cream Shop
- Teenage Population
The teen population is also one of the main target markets of the ice cream business. Ice cream is a comfort food and helps make you feel better when you’re emotionally down. No wonder ice cream can save our hearts from heartbreaks.
Teenagers tend to go together in groups and are fond of looking for Instagram-worthy places and cool spots to chill, lounge, and chit-chat with their circle of friends. Ice cream and teenagers are a great combination.
Lure your teenage consumers into patronizing your ice cream shop business by giving them an interesting, unique, and magnificent experience. Make your ice cream business stand out among other competitors. Offer a wide variety of flavors, ice cream options, and other sumptuous treats that can be paired- up with your ice cream and other frozen desserts. Revamp your ice cream shop, and add a few interesting and visually-attractive Instagrammable details that will catch your customers’ attention.
Another perk of winning the teenage population is it will help your business build a great online reputation. When your place and food presentation are amazingly unique, you’re sending a subtle encouragement to your customers to take a snap, video, or selfie with your product while in your ice cream shop. Being the millennials and generation-Z babies that they are, they will post it on social media. That’s a free advertisement for you and will improve your shop’s online visibility. This is how you turn your business into a destination.
8 Ice Cream Truck Business Pros And Cons
The Adults

The love for ice cream knows no age. Would you believe that adults are one of the top ice cream consumers? According to surveys, 27% of impulse ice cream consumers in the US belong to the adult population. Children ranked second with 20% of the total market share.
Adult consumers have already established their favorite ice cream flavors. They tasted a vast variety of flavors from the years they’ve spent eating ice cream, from childhood to adulthood. Thus, most continue to be loyal to their favorite brand and flavors.
Adults don’t easily get impressed or attracted to new ice cream brands and flavors. They usually prefer the ones they were used to because they’re sure that the taste, texture, and quality suit them perfectly. Surveys also show that adult consumers prefer premium ice cream stores over brands.
- The Seniors
Ice cream is not only for the young ones. It’s also highly in demand among the young at heart. Statistics show that seniors consume at least 7 grams of ice cream per day. People aged 65 and above eat ice cream at least twice a week.
In the seniors’ scenario, they typically order ice cream with simpler flavors packed in smaller sizes. Most older adults prefer premium brands and are willing to spend more on high-quality ice cream products.
According to reports, 28% of seniors are willing to pay more for healthy ice cream brands. This is probably because health issues are one of the top concerns of older adults.

The four main target markets for your ice cream shop business are kids and/or families with children, the teenage population, adults, and seniors. After all, everyone loves to eat ice cream either as comfort food or a plain dessert.
Knowing your target market helps you determine your business success rate. And in the case of the ice cream shop business, it may be a highly in-demand product, but you need to consider the demographics of your local market as well. You need to learn your market’s preference so you can introduce the right flavors and varieties. With research and market study, you will learn more about your local market and provide ice cream products that suit their predilections and needs.
8 Ideal Locations For Your New Ice Cream Shop
Frequently Asked Questions
Statistics show 0 consume at least 13 grams of ice cream per day which is more than the consumption rate of the other age groups. Children aged 1.5 to 3 ranked 3rd with 7 grams minimum ice cream consumption per day.
The US alone consumes around 1.3 billion gallons of ice cream in a year. They consume approximately 22 pounds of ice cream and other frozen desserts per annum. This is not a shocking fact since 90% of Americans admit they eat ice cream and 68% of them eat ice cream all year round.
To learn more on how to start your own ice cream/gelato business check out my startup documents here
This blog post is provided for informational purposes only. The information contained is not intended to constitute legal advice or to substitute for obtaining legal advice from a qualified attorney.

Hi! I am Shawn and I am a happy individual who happens to be an entrepreneur. I have owned several types of businesses in my life from a coffee shop to an import and export business to an online review business plus a few more and now I create online ice cream/gelato business resources for those interested in starting new ventures. It’s demanding work but I love it. I do it for those passionate about their business and their goals. That’s why when I meet a ice cream/gelato business owner, I see myself. I know how hard the struggle is to retain clients, find good employees and keep the business growing all while trying to stay competitive.
That’s why I created Ice Cream Business Boss: I want to help ice cream and gelato business owners like you build a thriving business that brings you endless joy and supports your ideal lifestyle.