How Long Should Ice Cream Shops Keep Ice Cream

You may be wondering how long ice cream shops store their supply of frozen goods, as well as how they keep them fresh. You probably have questions like “What is the ideal temperature for an ice cream display?” and “What factors affect the shelf life of ice cream?” 

An ice cream tub can only stay fresh for around six weeks after it has been unsealed, while unopened ice cream tubs can be kept for up to three months past the expiration date. Other determinants are the temperature and the kind of storage at which ice cream is kept in the shop.

By the end of this post, I’m hopeful that all of your questions will be answered. Also, keep reading because I’ll give you some pointers for keeping ice cream at your house or shop.

How Long?

How Long Should Ice Cream Shops Keep Ice Cream

In general, the temperature and whether or not ice cream tubs have been opened play a major role in how long the management keep their products on hand. I’ll first go through how long an opened and unopened tub will last.

Ice cream shops may normally keep opened ice cream for up to six weeks. This is possible when the temperature is maintained at or below zero degrees Fahrenheit. On the other hand, they can typically retain unopened ice cream  for more than three months. When the ice cream is properly preserved at a temperature below or at zero degrees Fahrenheit, it is possible to keep it even after the expiration date.

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The Ideal Temperature

According to the International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA), frozen treats’ form, consistency, and flavor attributes might alter negatively when they are exposed to temperatures over 10°F. This applies to all ice cream goods even though different manufacturers’ formulations result in ice cream with various flavors and textures.

With that, we can assume that anything below 10°F is OK for our ice cream desserts. But the best temperature for keeping ice cream in stores is at a temperature below or at zero degrees Fahrenheit for assured undamaged ice cream and longer shelf life. 

Additionally, there is a perfect temperature for full-fat and light ice cream. According to research, full-fat and light ice cream may be stored at temperatures of -23.3 and -26.1°C, respectively, which are colder than the industry norm of -28.9°C. However, if freezers were set at -23.3°C and temperature variations caused temperatures to rise over the set point, the quality of the goods may be affected.

Storing in an Ice Cream Display

How Long Should Ice Cream Shops Keep Ice Cream

According to Refrigeration Design Technologies Inc, there is a significantly wider range of allowable temperatures when ice cream is kept in a display unit. For example, display temperatures between 0°F to 7°F are fine if ice cream is selling out swiftly. On the other hand, -10ºF to 0ºF degrees are preferable for items that are selling a little more slowly.

The display freezer unit may also be a factor in this. For instance, the International Dairy Foods Association advises that the temperature in a typical supermarket display freezer case should not rise over 10°F (-12°C). This will ensure that the ice cream is consistently and sufficiently frozen.

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The Best Ways To Store Ice Cream

In essence, ice cream stores preserve their products and maintain shelf life by setting the right temperature. However, there are alternative methods as well, and they are:

  • Freezing it as Soon as You Open: Ice cream that has been opened typically has a reduced shelf life, as I’ve mentioned in this post. To increase its shelf life, it is preferable to shut it and refrigerate right away.
  • Keep It at the Bottom or Back of the Freezer: Use the coldest part of the freezer. Of course, if your freezer is a chest type, the bottom or far back will be the coldest spot.
  • Put it in an  Airtight Container: Using an airtight, freezer-safe container is probably the best way to store your ice cream. This will help you avoid exposing your it to air, which can cause ice crystal formation. For your reference, you can check out Star Pack’s ice cream containers.
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Overall, when the temperature is kept at or below zero degrees Fahrenheit, ice cream shops often retain their opened ice cream for up to six weeks and their unopened ice cream for more than three months. The perfect temperature is also below or equal to zero degrees Fahrenheit, while the temperature for full-fat and light ice cream can range between -23.3 and -26.1°C.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How can dry ice be used to ship ice cream?

To use dry ice for shipping ice cream, put it in a folded paper bag that’s been stapled shut.  Dry ice frequently causes the plastic to become brittle due to its extreme coldness. 
Which flavor of ice cream melts the least quickly?According to studies, strawberry ice cream melts the least quickly, followed by chocolate ice cream and vanilla ice cream. This is due to the strawberry pieces, which make strawberry ice cream melt much more slowly than chocolate and vanilla ice cream.

To learn more on how to start your own ice cream/gelato business check out my startup documents here

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