As a business owner, you naturally want your customers to be happy. Satisfying them with the products you sell while maximizing sales opportunities can be the high note of your business. If you want to boost your daily sales and make your business brand versatile, then this article can help you.
Five profitable items you can sell in your ice cream shop are other frozen desserts, cakes and pastries, cool beverages, alternatives to frozen dairy, and souvenir/novelty items. Including these in your product list can help increase your shop’s income.
Offering items aside from your main product can help you gain more profit and increase your value to customers. Whether served in a cup or a cone, ice cream can go well with other cold creations and sweet chews. With this in mind, let’s scoop out the other revenue-generating items you can sell in an ice cream shop.
Other Frozen Desserts

These fun treats include custard, sherbet, snow cones, and gelato, to name a few. According to Grand View Search, there is an increased demand for frozen desserts. That said, any business owner can consider selling them. Ice cream customers naturally love the iced sweetness also found in other frozen desserts, so offering them a new array of these cold treats can potentially help you earn more.
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Cakes and Pastries
Delectable baked goodies such as cakes and pastries can sell very well to ice cream enthusiasts. After all, they are in the same league in relation to the sugary and creamy goodness of ice cream. The Ice Cream Alliance (ICA) reveals that 61 percent of its members prefer partnering cake and ice cream. A slice of cake or a piece of a donut will help make a customer’s experience more satisfying while adding dough to the shop’s cash register.
Cool Beverages
While out to satisfy ice cream cravings, one may also opt for refreshing drinks. Fruit juice, smoothies, milkshakes, and iced teas are among the popular beverages in the market that can be served in refreshment businesses. Quenching one’s thirst is just as satisfying as that scoop of chocolate ice cream. Should solid food items be incorporated into an ice cream shop’s menu, drinks should be offered too.
Alternatives to Frozen Dairy
Ice cream oozes creamy and sweet flavors, thus loaded with sugar, fat, and calories. In this light, ice cream brands continue to experiment with healthier recipes, hoping to satisfy health-conscious consumers. For example, the Australian company Over the Moo and its vegan ice cream is one brand that offers a healthier alternative. Fruit bars, fruit pops, sugar-free ice cream, and Greek yogurt can add flavor to your menu.
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Souvenir/Novelty Items
Anyone who loves ice cream would also love an ice cream-inspired thing or two. You can offer items such as a key chain, a ref magnet, or a little trinket in the form of this terrific frozen dairy. How can they resist these? Additionally, selling novelties in an ice cream shop can help other entrepreneurs in the community, especially if the items are handcrafted.
What is Profit?

Profit is defined by the Cambridge Dictionary as the money earned in trade or business after paying the costs of producing and selling goods and services. As a business owner, you should be able to determine your monthly gross and net profits.
How to Calculate Gross Profit?
The formula to use is: Gross profit = Revenue – Cost of goods sold
To be able to calculate this, you should know that revenue refers to the total amount of income earned from selling products. On the other hand, the cost of goods sold is the total amount of expenses incurred to sell your products.
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How to Compute Net Profit?
To compute the net profit, deduct the amounts of your operating expenses (store rental, insurance, and wages) and the taxes paid from the gross profit. Essentially, if after paying all the obligations of your business and you are still left with money, then you have earned your net profit.

If you are an ice cream proprietor, you can never be limited to selling just ice cream. There are other offerings in the field that you can tie up with your main product without requiring additional capital or equipment. Most of those items mentioned use the same equipment and tools, say a freezer or a syrup dispenser.
In addition, expanding your product list can help address the seasonal nature of an ice cream business. When the cold season comes, the cakes, pastries, and non-frozen desserts can help keep your venture up and about.
No more delays, avoid the meltdown, and don’t freeze up. It’s high time you serve these profitable items to help your ice cream shop stand out and be a big hit.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Profitability is the measure of the financial gains of a business entity. If all the income earned exceeds all expenses incurred, then profitability is achieved. If a business does not realize profitability, it will not succeed eventually.
You need to determine the profit of your business so that you can establish the financial standing of your venture. Showing profit in your books means that your business can make more than how much it spends; this translates to an overall good position in your operations.
To learn more on how to start your own ice cream/gelato business check out my startup documents here
This blog post is provided for informational purposes only. The information contained is not intended to constitute legal advice or to substitute for obtaining legal advice from a qualified attorney.

Hi! I am Shawn and I am a happy individual who happens to be an entrepreneur. I have owned several types of businesses in my life from a coffee shop to an import and export business to an online review business plus a few more and now I create online ice cream/gelato business resources for those interested in starting new ventures. It’s demanding work but I love it. I do it for those passionate about their business and their goals. That’s why when I meet a ice cream/gelato business owner, I see myself. I know how hard the struggle is to retain clients, find good employees and keep the business growing all while trying to stay competitive.
That’s why I created Ice Cream Business Boss: I want to help ice cream and gelato business owners like you build a thriving business that brings you endless joy and supports your ideal lifestyle.