How Ice Cream Trucks Keep Ice Cream Cold

Nobody wants warm gooey ice cream; it degrades the ice cream experience. And since you’re here, I assume that you’re wondering how ice cream trucks keep their ice cream icy and frozen. I’ve got you covered!

Ice cream trucks keep their ice cream cold by freezing and storing them properly, using effective insulated packaging, using dry ice, and stopping at spots with great shades. 

In this post, I’ll go over these 4 ways of preserving the icy goodness of products sold by ice cream trucks. So, keep reading. 

Freezing and Storing Ice Cream Properly

Ice cream will melt only if it is exposed to a higher temperature. To prevent this, ice cream trucks keep their ice cream in freezers.

There are 2 types of freezers that are perfect for and common in ice cream trucks:

How Ice Cream Trucks Keep Ice Cream Cold
  • Cold Plate Freezers – These are more costly, but they are pretty useful for keeping ice cream during warm seasons. They contain condensing units and evaporator coils which makes them more effective even without the use of dry ice. For your reference, you can check Nelson’s Cold Plate Freezers. 
  • Chest Freezers – These are less costly and far more convenient to use. However, these are less effective in warmer weather. You can check Midea’s 5.0 Cu. Ft. Chest Freezer to learn more about this kind of equipment. 

Aside from having the right freezer, ice cream vans also employ the following proper storage practices to keep their products cold:

  • Changing the freezer’s settings to a temperature below 0°F.
  • Keeping ice cream in the freezer’s main compartment and not by its door where the temperature might fluctuate more. 
  • Keeping the container lid securely closed to avoid ice crystals from developing in the ice cream.
  • Storing ice cream away from exposed foods since scents can be easily absorbed by ice cream and affect its flavor.

Using Effective Insulated Packaging

Insulation packing is critical for preventing energy loss during transit and storage. Its main qualities are strong heat protection, less cost, low weight, reduced moisture vulnerability, and durability. These are the reasons why ice cream trucks use it to keep their ice cream cold.

The common forms of insulated packaging are pouches, bags, boxes, and containers. For eco-friendly and durable ones, you can check Insulated Products Corp’s EcoLiner Insulated Pouches. These pouches are comprised of recycled natural cotton-based panels and are protected by a tough outer layer.

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Using Dry Ice 

How Ice Cream Trucks Keep Ice Cream Cold

Ice cream trucks also use dry ice to keep their products cold. This is one of the finest solutions for keeping ice cream cool during warmer days, especially if the ice cream truck just uses a chest freezer.

Because of its extremely cold temperature of -109.3°F or -78.5°C, dry ice is highly effective in keeping ice cream products frozen. It also has a longer shelf life than regular ice because it sublimates faster.

Although utilizing dry ice to keep ice cream cold is an effective method, vendors need to handle it carefully and follow safety measures such as:

  • Use insulated gloves when handling dry ice. 
  • Use it only when necessary. For example, dry ice can be used to keep ice cream cold when the freezer can’t handle the excessive heat.
  • Order it in the size and form that will be required. This way, you won’t be in danger or have trouble cutting dry ice.
  • Store it in a container that allows some leaking. This will keep carbon dioxide gas from accumulating pressure. 
  • A chest freezer can use 40 to 50 pounds of dry ice daily, which is placed on top of the products. 
  • Never throw it away in a sewage or garbage disposal.

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Stopping at Spots with Great Shades 

Ice cream truck drivers keep their ice cream cool by parking in areas where there is no direct sunshine. This is the most basic approach to keeping frozen goodies from melting.

This practice also helps in protecting the freezers inside the trucks from overheating. According to an article, not having good air circulation and exposing the freezer to direct sunlight can cause it to overwork and eventually collapse.


Overall, ice cream trucks keep their ice cream goods cold in the following ways:

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  1. Freezing and Storing Ice Cream Properly  – Ice cream trucks keep their ice cream cold by having the right freezers and properly storing their products. 
  2. Using Effective Insulated Packaging – Ice cream trucks also use insulated packaging which is effective in protecting the ice cream products from extreme heat. 
  3. Using Dry Ice – Ice cream trucks utilize dry ice to keep their goods cold for a long period and in case of emergency.
  4. Stopping at Spots with Great Shades – Ice cream trucks park in locations without a direct hit from sunlight. This helps protect their products and freezers from extreme heat. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is it OK to eat melted and refrozen ice cream?

Listeria outbreaks can arise in refrigerators when melted ice cream is refrozen. This can lead to major health problems. To safeguard your health, you should discard any melted ice cream rather than refreezing it.

How do you keep ice cream cold on a road trip?

On a road trip, you can keep ice cream frozen by 1) using dry ice, 2) having a cooler the size of your pints, 3) ensuring that the ice cream is solidly frozen, and 4) laying ice on top of the pints.

How can you prevent ice cream from melting too fast?

You can prevent your ice cream from melting quickly by 1) increasing fat content, 2) adding skimmed milk powder, 3) adding more eggs, and 4) using other stabilizers. 

To learn more on how to start your own ice cream/gelato business check out my startup documents here

This blog post is provided for informational purposes only. The information contained is not intended to constitute legal advice or to substitute for obtaining legal advice from a qualified attorney.