Whether you’re a casual admirer of ice cream vans or you’re considering a venture in this mobile business, the following query undoubtedly left you scratching your head: How long do ice cream vans stay in one location? Buckle up because we are after that ice cream truck!
Some restrictions allow ice cream vans to stay in one place for only 15 to 30 minutes, while others limit them to no more than 90 minutes depending on location. The length of time an ice cream van may stay at one place varies by country, locality, or state.
More questions like how long do ice cream vans chime? and what is an ice cream van’s usual route? may still intrigue you, so let’s keep on driving.
Ice Cream Vans’ Usual Stay in One Location
Ice cream vans often stay in one spot for 30 minutes. This may differ by country, state, or municipality. In the United Kingdom, for example, Worcester City Council formerly prohibited ice cream vans from being in one location for more than 15 minutes. After that, they’d have to leave, and they may even be compelled to abandon their customers in line.
The Municipal Code of California provides that no ice cream truck may stay or park on a public highway for more than one and one-half hours on any one block of a street within a residential zone. Additionally, ice cream truck sales must be restricted to 10:00 a.m.unitl 6:00 p.m. or half an hour after dusk, whichever comes first.
But why stay in one place? Ice cream trucks, may speed to new sites after a set amount of time. That’s one of the advantages of a mobile business but it doesn’t mean that ice cream vans can park wherever they want. Operators have to check first if it’s legal to park in a certain spot of choice.
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The Typical Route of Ice Cream Vans
As I’ve mentioned, one of the strengths of an ice cream van business is that it can go to many places. The typical route of ice cream vans includes near schools, parks, and events, especially local ones. Having said that, ice cream cannot generally be sold everywhere. To learn about these limitations, you must contact your state or local government.
For example, ice cream vans are not permitted to park in locations near bus stops, within 10 feet of any driveway, any subway entry or exit, or any crosswalk at any junction in New York City. Additionally, ice cream vans are not permitted to park on sidewalks with a pedestrian way less than 12 feet. If these restrictions are violated, new or renewed permits to sell may be revoked, suspended, or denied.
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How Long Can Ice Cream Vans Chime
The chime plays a crucial role in the operation of an ice cream van. Every person who likes ice cream has this soundtrack permanently imprinted in their mind. If it’s possible, we’d like to be able to hear the ice cream truck’s chimes every day of the week. Unfortunately, that is not realistic.
The length of the ice cream vans’ chimes can also differ by region, state, and city. In general, they are permitted to use their signature music to advertise their trucks and alert consumers of their approach. However, there are certain restrictions.
For instance, the Coventry City Council in the United Kingdom permits ice cream trucks to use chimes to advertise their business so long as they don’t cause neighborhoods around any justifiable discomfort. The following are stated, specifically, in its code of practice:
- Ice cream vans are not allowed to play their chimes before midday or after seven o’clock in the evening.
- Chimes should not be played for longer than 12 seconds at a time.
- Vans shouldn’t chime more frequently than once every two minutes.
- When vans are 50 meters or less from a school (during school hours) a hospital, or a place of worship, they shouldn’t play their bells.
Overall, ice cream trucks often remain in one location for about 15-30 minutes, some up to 90 minutes.. Depending on the route and any local, national, or municipal regulations, this may change. Additionally, ice cream vans may chime as long as they adhere to any applicableregulations and don’t cause any justified distress to the area’s residents.
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Frequently Asked Questions
After all the fireworks displays and school trips, ice cream vans typically look to park up in the winter. Additionally, ice cream trucks get thorough cleaning throughout the winter, and the team looks forward to a few weeks of well-deserved vacation.
The peak speed of an ice cream van is 80.043mph. Paddy McGuinness’ aptly titled Mr. Nippy’s electric ice cream van established this Guinness World Record. The presenter attained this milestone on October 26, 2020, at Elvington Airfield in Yorkshire.
Statistics show that a profitable ice cream truck company can make $200–300 per day or up to $1,000 on holidays. Additionally, ice cream truck drivers claim to make an average of $5,000 every month. The average monthly cost is about $2,500.
To learn more on how to start your own ice cream/gelato business check out my startup documents here
This blog post is provided for informational purposes only. The information contained is not intended to constitute legal advice or to substitute for obtaining legal advice from a qualified attorney.
Hi! I am Shawn and I am a happy individual who happens to be an entrepreneur. I have owned several types of businesses in my life from a coffee shop to an import and export business to an online review business plus a few more and now I create online ice cream/gelato business resources for those interested in starting new ventures. It’s demanding work but I love it. I do it for those passionate about their business and their goals. That’s why when I meet a ice cream/gelato business owner, I see myself. I know how hard the struggle is to retain clients, find good employees and keep the business growing all while trying to stay competitive.
That’s why I created Ice Cream Business Boss: I want to help ice cream and gelato business owners like you build a thriving business that brings you endless joy and supports your ideal lifestyle.